Puppy & Kitten Care

Welcoming a new puppy or kitten into your home is an exciting and joyous occasion. However, along with the joy comes the responsibility of ensuring his or her health and well-being. At Family and Friends Veterinary Care in Fort Collins, CO, we provide exams, vaccinations, and dental care to relieve any pain your furry friend may have and improve its wellness. Before visiting us, learn why puppy and kitten care is important below:

Puppy and Kitten Care

The Importance of Puppy & Kitten Exams

Scheduling a puppy exam with our veterinarians is one of the first steps in providing comprehensive care for your new canine companion. During this exam, we will assess your puppy's overall health, check for any signs of illness or congenital conditions, and discuss important topics such as nutrition and parasite prevention. Early detection of health issues allows for prompt treatment and better outcomes for your furry friend.

What to Expect During a Puppy Exam

For puppies, the initial exam typically occurs within the first few weeks after birth. During this examination, our veterinarians will evaluate the puppy’s weight, heart rate, respiratory rate, and physical condition. We will also conduct a thorough assessment of the puppy’s eyes, ears, mouth, and skin to check for any abnormalities or signs of infection.

Components of a Kitten Exam

Just like puppies, kittens require thorough veterinary care to ensure they grow up strong and healthy. A kitten exam typically includes a physical examination, discussion of vaccination schedules, deworming, and flea prevention. Our veterinarians will also address any questions or concerns you may have about caring for your new feline, such as litter box training and behavior management.

Nutritional Guidance

Proper nutrition is essential for the growth and development of puppies and kittens. During wellness exams, we offer guidance on selecting appropriate diets tailored to their age, size, and breed. We also provide advice on feeding schedules and portion control to prevent obesity and improve your pet’s health.

Behavioral Counseling

When you visit us, our veterinarians can also address behavioral concerns and offer guidance on training and socialization. Whether you need advice on house-training, obedience training, or common behavioral issues such as chewing or aggression, we are happy to provide recommendations.

Contact Family and Friends Veterinary Care for an Appointment Today

By prioritizing preventive care and seeking guidance from our veterinarians, you can provide your puppy or kitten with the best possible start in life. To schedule a comprehensive exam or learn about our services, contact Family and Friends Veterinary Care in Fort Collins, CO, at (970) 493-0204 today. When you need a veterinarian near me, our team looks forward to assisting you!

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